About Us

Our congregation exists, with its church, school and preschool, to teach the truths which God has revealed to His world about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  God uses the Word of God and the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion to strengthen the life and faith of our members, as well as to pass His message on to our community at large and across the world via the mission efforts of our Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod of which we are a member.

This We Believe

    What we believe and teach
  • Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church does not participate in God’s work in order to justify our existence as a church and school. We do this work in grateful, loving response to the forgiveness we have received from Jesus Christ, the world’s only Savior, and in love for souls throughout the world.
    Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized in 1948 to strengthen the faith of its members and to present the Bible’s timeless teachings to those here and abroad who are living without the assurance of heaven through faith in Christ Jesus. To carry out those gospel goals, we believe and teach —
    • that the entire Bible is the very word of God Himself, given to human writers, and that it is the only foundation for our faith and life; 
    • that the God revealed in the Bible is the Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–three persons in one true God) and that He is the only true God;
    • that all people have sinned against God’s holy will, have fallen short of His standard of perfection, and thus deserve to be condemned eternally;
    • that Jesus Christ came to earth to rescue all people from the guilt and power of sin, and that He lived and died and rose again as the perfect and only Savior;
    • that through faith which is created by the Holy Spirit the benefits of Christ’s work become our personal possession;
    • that on the last day Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead, and will take all who trust in Him to eternal life.

    We are united in this confession of faith with more than 1,200 congregations of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and with those congregations we serve in God’s kingdom world-wide.
  • Spiritual Growth

    Bible Class
  • Bible classes for young people and adults are held at 9:15 in the sanctuary.  Sessions begin the Sunday after Labor Day and conclude the Sunday before Memorial Day. We welcome and encourage guests to attend.

    Our class studies portions of God's Word, history of Christianity, Biblical geography, and other related Bible topics. Our congregation sent our pastor to the Holy Land in 2008, and he is able to use photos taken and knowledge gained there to supplement our Bible studies. This allows the class to gain a clearer picture of Biblical events as we study them.
    Sunday School
  • Sunday School at Memorial is offered to children 3 years old through eighth grade. Visiting children are welcome to come to our Sunday School to hear God's Word.  We encourage our students to bring their friends. Sessions begin the Sunday after Labor Day and conclude the Sunday before Memorial Day. Sunday School is held at 9:15 AM (between worship services) in the fellowship hall.

    We use the Christ Light series of materials published by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  Our students join the Lutheran elementary school students in sharing God's Word at our Christmas Eve service.  They also edify our worship services by singing several times throughout the school year.
    Catechism Class
  • Pastor conducts Catechism class once a week through the school year for seventh and eighth graders.  This class is to prepare them for communicant membership in our congregation. The students are taught from the Bible and Luther's Small Catechism.
    Bible Information Class
  • The pastor offers an adult instruction class. This Bible Information Class (BIC) is for:
    • people who are interested in becoming communicant members of our congregation;
    • parents of new students in our school in order to get the parents acquainted with the Biblical instruction their children will receive in our school’s classrooms;
    • those who want to know more about our church’s teachings;
    • current members of our congregation who wish to review the doctrines of the Bible.
    The class meets once a week for 4-5 months. (That may sound like a long time, but the pastor is confident that you will find that the classes move along quickly.) Each session runs 60-75 minutes, depending on the material to be covered and the discussion which class members generate. The book we use for the class is provided by the congregation at no cost to you, and the book is yours to keep after we are done. We also have Bibles to use, although you are certainly welcome to bring your own Bible.
    Church Library
  • Our libraries are a great blessing for all ages and are freely available for you to use.  We have a video and audio library in the narthex, located near the cry room.  To use the items in this library, please sign your name and the title of what you are checking out in the book provided.

    Our book library is located in the narthex (entryway) of church.  To check out those materials, sign the card in the back of the book and leave it in the marked box. There is a list of check-out procedures posted on the side of the library shelves. 

    You can see a list of the wide variety of books we have in the library here.