Using our time, talents, and treasures

Ways to serve your Lord in your congregation:

    Please Consider Your Gifts
  • God has given many blessings to His believers; blessings which they use as His managers for the furtherance of His Kingdom.  Among these are the blessings of time, talents, and treasures.  Not all receive them to the same degree, but God expects good stewardship of each gift as it is given. The congregation can help its members plan and carry out their stewardship.

    The stewardship of a Christian's time and talents is reflected in the individual's support of the Lord's work in the home congregation and beyond. This is evident from participation in worship, in prayer, in confession of faith, and in witnessing that faith to family, relatives, neighbors, friends and fellow workers.  It is also shown in the Christian's willingness to serve in the congregation where membership is held.

    As you read the following ways to serve, please contact the pastor to express your willingness to serve. He will direct you to proper church board members who can give you more information.
    Opportunities to Serve Booklet
  • Opportunities to Serve
    Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church & School
    When the Holy Spirit calls us to faith in Christ as our Savior, He makes each of us believers a partner in His gospel work. In daily thanksliving for the free gift of forgiveness of sins and eternal life, we who treasure our status as redeemed souls delight to serve our Triune God and one another.
    This daily thanksliving is not confined to the work of the church, of course.  It is a part of our lives wherever we are and whatever we are doing. But what we do together for our congregation is an important part of the gospel work. We do that work more efficiently as a body of Christ when we use our time and abilities together. 
    This booklet is designed to help you find where your time and abilities can best be used at Memorial. The paragraphs and pages which follow explain briefly the categories found on the time and talent surveys which we distribute periodically. As you read through this booklet, prayerfully consider how the Lord might want to use you in our gospel work here. 
    1. Ushers
    Teams of ushers assist in various ways at each of our worship services.  The Board of Elders invites communicant male members of the congregation to serve on usher teams of 3 or 4 men. Each December a schedule is drawn up for the following 12 months of worship services. 
    2. Altar Guild
    The Altar Guild takes care of the altar area of the church. They set up for Holy Communion, then clean the communion ware after the service(s).  The Altar Guild regularly fills the candles with liquid wax and places floral arrangements on the altar. 
    3. Greeters
    We ask individuals and husband/wife teams to volunteer to greet worshipers as they enter church, and to give a special warm greeting to visitors. A strong greeter program makes sure that visitors know they are welcomed here, and helps us to plan visits to their homes in our area. More detailed guidelines for our greeters are available from the pastor. 
    4. Choir
    We invite communicant members of the congregation to sing in our choir, lending their hearts and voices in praise to our Savior with special songs.  No choir experience is necessary. Rehearsals are held Thursdays at 7:30 PM for several weeks before we sing for festival services. 
    5. Choir Direction
    Although we have very qualified members who currently direct our various singing groups, it is good to know about others who have the ability and the interest in doing so. Please mention your interest to the pastor. 
    6. Solo Singing
    Those to whom the Lord has given the ability to sing solos (or duets, quartets, etc.), are invited to express their interest to the pastor. Such special music could be part of the Sunday service, special seasonal services, weddings, and funerals.
    7. Organ
    The congregation can never have enough qualified organists. We invite any who are able to play for our worship services to volunteer their God-given gifts to do so. Please speak with the pastor. 
    8.  HymnSoft Operator
    When our organists are not scheduled to play, we use the HymnSoft program for our services. The service is all set up ahead of time and detailed instructions are printed for each service. We need volunteers to sit at the laptop and run the program by simply pressing the space bar or the mouse when something is to be sung.
    9.  Chime Choir 
    We invite our members from fifth grade to adults to join. No experience is necessary.  Practices are on Thursdays at 6:30 PM and held several weeks prior to the service when music will be played.
    10. Piano
    The choir, school, and Sunday School can always use accompanists. We also invite members to play pre-approved piano selections before our worship services, during the offering, or after the services. Please speak with the pastor. 
    11.  Instrument Playing
    Those to whom the Lord has given the ability to play instrumental music are invited to express their interest to the pastor. Such special music could be part of the Sunday service, special seasonal services, weddings, and funerals. Be sure to let us know what instrument(s) you play. 
    1. Sunday School Teachers
    Our Sunday School exists to supplement the knowledge of God and His Word given to our children at home and in our Lutheran Elementary School. The Sunday School also provides an opportunity for unchurched children to hear about the Savior here. Teachers are called by our Board of Christian Education to serve for one school year. Our Sunday School teachers are expected to be prepared each Sunday to present God’s Word in its truth and purity (numerous teaching aids and/or meetings with the pastor are available), and to show love to the lambs of God entrusted to their care. 
    2. Substitute Sunday School Teacher
    Substitute teachers fill in when the regular teachers are not able to be present on Sunday morning. 
    3. Lutheran School and Preschool Teachers’ Aide
    The teachers of our Memorial Lutheran School value help which is given with many tasks involved in teaching the children of our school. Work for which aides volunteer may include printing classroom lesson copies, giving spelling tests, helping out at lunch time, reading with students, and more.  Contact the principal for more information. 
    4. Computer Help for Students
    While the students work with educational programs in our computer lab, we need volunteers who will supervise and give instruction as needed. We would schedule you as you are able to help.
    5.  Hot Lunch Program
    At least once per month a hot lunch is prepared by volunteers for the children of our school. Most of the food is donated. If you can help in preparing and/or serving the food, please speak with one of our teachers.
    6. Vacation Bible School
    Sessions are held for four days or evenings in the summer, during which children from our congregation and community study God’s Word and work on craft projects connected to the lessons. Helpers are needed each year in the classrooms, for craft projects, recess, snacks and more. 
    7. Church Library
    We maintain a library in the church fellowship hall. Our Ladies’ Fellowship Group places books back on the shelves in proper order, catalogs new books for the church library, takes inventory of library volumes, etc. That group can always use more help with the library.
    8. School Library
    The library is open Monday and Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.  We would ask you to check out books and do other easy jobs around the library.  We schedule you as you are able to help.
    1. Evangelism
    We are always looking for members who are willing to be trained in speaking to others about God’s Word. The people whom we visit may have been guests at a recent worship service, may be new residents in our area, or may be friends of our members. 
    2. Counters
    We have a number of very dedicated individuals who meet each Monday morning to count the offerings which God’s people have brought to support our Savior’s work. We could use several additional volunteers.
    3. Rides to Worship
    Occasionally, members or visitors need transportation to worship services. If you have room to bring another person with you, we’d be happy to put you in contact that person. 
    4. Ladies’ Fellowship Group
    Membership in the Ladies’ Fellowship Group is open to all women of the congregation. The ladies faithfully serve our church and synod by taking care of numerous tasks and responsibilities, such as making banners, cleaning the kitchen, decorating the church for Christmas, church library work and much more. Each monthly meeting is an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and to work on church-related projects. Meetings are held the first Monday each month during the school year at 7:00 PM. 
    5. Grayce
    Members of the congregation who are retired--or are at least of retirement age--meet the fourth Tuesday each month at 11:30 AM. The name of the group indicates that though the members of it might be getting gray hair, they still cherish living in God’s grace. Some meetings discuss service projects and taking care of needed church items. Other meetings are more relaxed, offering group members a chance to socialize at the church or on a trip to a place of interest. 
    6.  Funeral Dinners
    When funeral services are held at church and the family requests a meal for those attending, we need someone that is willing to be in charge of that meal.  That person will then let our members know what is needed in the way of help and food. If you are willing to be that contact person in charge, please talk to Pastor.

    7. Live Nativity
    For five years we had a Live Nativity production done entirely by our members.  This is held the second Saturday of December; the week after the Light Parade in Williamston.  In order to continue this event, we need many willing hands of all ages to get the props to church, set up the production, to be a part of the event that night, to take down and to put everything away. Especially important is having many that will gladly volunteer to do all the work before and after the event.
    8. Outdoor Sign
    We have a magnetic sign which can be posted either at church or at our school. Volunteers are needed to put messages--composed in the church or school office--on the sign with our magnetic letters. 
    9. Projects to Assist Our Elderly Members
    Some in our congregation who live at home are no longer able to maintain the home or yard. Willing and able members are needed to assist some of our elderly members at times. 
    10. Float Work
    Williamston has two parades--the first Saturday evening in December and the fourth Saturday afternoon in June--and our congregation would like to have a float entry in both of them each year. In the days before each parade we need volunteers to help assemble a float on the wagon.  We also need a vehicle to tow the float and members of all ages to walk the parade and hand our flyers/invitations about our church and school.
    11. Computer Help
    As new software and hardware are obtained in the offices and/or school classrooms, it is helpful to have knowledgeable people install that software and hardware. From time to time, our computers are in need of updating and repairs. If you have expertise in computer work, we’d be appreciative to be able to contact you when help is need.
    12.  Weekend Basketball Games
    During the weekends of December through February, basketball tournaments are held at our school.  We need help with the concession stand and ticket table for these games.
    Youth Group
    We invite interested members to serve our young people by helping organize group meetings, travel, activities, and more. 
    1. Cleaning
    We look for volunteers from the congregation to clean our church each week. A list of weekly duties is available from the Board of Trustees. The work is to be done during the week you are scheduled.
    While we do employ a part time custodian for the school, there are a number of tasks which could be done by our members there as well.
     Periodic work days are scheduled in the spring, summer, and fall--as needed--to trim branches and bushes, cleaning the exterior and interior of our buildings, etc. Watch for announcements about the work days scheduled by the Board of Trustees. 
    2. General Maintenance and Repair (as needed)
    1. Heating and AC (filters replaced each year, cleaning)
    2. Electrical (as needed)
    3. Plumbing (as needed)
    4. Painting (as needed) – Flag pole every other year
    3.  Outside Work
    1. Lawn Care (mowing, trimming, weed control)
    2. Flower bed care (planting, weeding, watering)
    3. Snow removal (sidewalks at church and school)
    4. Parking lots (Spray weeds, replace light bulbs)
    5. Playground maintenance
    6. Power wash buildings (every other year)
    Altar Guild
  • What a privilege it is for our women to serve by setting up and removing the communion ware used at the Lord's Supper, filling the candles with liquid wax, changing the paraments for the seasons of the church year, and making sure flowers are placed on the altar.  We are always looking for more women to help with this work.
    Chime Choir
  • We have had a chime choir in the past.  Right now we are not meeting because we have no director. Members from fifth grade age and up are welcome to join.  No previous experience is necessary.  We will update this when we can begin practices once again.
  • We invite communicant members of the congegation to sing in our choir, lending their hearts and voices in praise to our Savior with special songs. No choir experience is necessary.  Rehearsals are held when needed to prepare for special services and to help introduce new hymns and Psalms to the congregation. Our church calendar and bulletin will list what days we will practice since we sing mostly for festival services. Since Covid we have met to practice usually after the late service.
    Cleaning the church
  • Our congregation likes to afford all members, for whom it isn't a hardship, the opportunity to volunteer to clean our church each week.  Supplies and guidelines for cleaning are found in the upper narthex closet (between the 2 bulletin boards). We need more willing families to sign up so that the schedule is such that a family would only have to clean once a year. 

    Periodic work days are scheduled in the spring, summer and fall as needed, to trim branches and bushes, clean the exterior of our buildings, and do a more thorough cleaning of the inside of church.  Please watch for announcements for these special work days.
  • We have a number of very dedicated individuals who meet each Monday morning to count the offerings which God's people have brought to support our Savior's work.  We could use several additional volunteers.
    Float work
  • Williamston has two parades (the first Saturday evening in December and the fourth Saturday afternoon in June). Our congregation would like to have a float entry in both of them each year.  In the days, or weeks, before each parade we need volunteers to help assemble our float.  We also need a vehicle to tow the float and members to walk along the float during the parade to hand out any information we have for that day.
    General maintenance and repair
  • Each of our buildings, and the property which surrounds them, needs regular attention. To hire commercial businesses to take care of all the maintenance and repair would be an overwhelming burden on our budget.  God has given many of our members the ability to do electrical work, general carpentry, plumbing, heating/cooling, painting, etc.  We look forward to using more of our members to do this work.
  • We ask individuals and husband/wife teams to volunteer to greet worshipers as they enter church, and to give a special warm greeting to visitors. A strong greeter program makes sure that visitors know they are welcomed here, and helps us to plan visits to their homes if they wish or to contact them with more information about our church. We ask visitors to sign our guest book. More detailed guidelines for our greeters are available from the pastor.
  • When worship service music is recorded we use HymnSoft. The order of the service is set up on the church laptop. You don't have to do anything with the organ. Directions and the order of the service are also printed for you for each Sunday when HymnSoft is used. You would be asked to follow the service and then touch the spacebar on the laptop when it is time for the music. A schedule is set up for six months using HymnSoft volunteers and the organist. You would not have to do both services when you are scheduled so you can do it for whatever service you like to regularly attend. Let Pastor Voss know that you are willing to serve for a service occasionally.
    Ladies' Fellowship Group
  • We extend a warm invitation to all women of our congregation to attend our monthly meetings and fellowship activities.  Our desire is to encourage and support one another in Christian love and fellowship while promoting the growth and spread of God's Word and blessings.  Each monthly meeting is an opportunity to enjoy each other's company, discuss Bible topics, and work on church-related projects.

    The ladies faithfully serve our church by assisting with the support and organization of church activities such as making banners, cleaning the kitchen, making cards to send to our members, taking care of the church library, handling funeral dinners, and much more. Each year we support our home and world missions as we send out our mission offerings.  We also have a Prayer Partner program where we draw names and extend special prayers for that person for the next month.  Then we send a special card to them at the end of the month.

    Please join us the first Monday each month (September through May) at 10:00 AM in the church fellowship hall.
    Click here for our 2023 schedule:
    Lawn mowing
  • The lawns at our church and school property take many hours each week to cut during the growing season.  The congregation provides the equipment for our volunteers to use. We look for many volunteers so that no one needs to do mowing too often.
    Musical interests
  • Choir direction, solo singing, organ playing, piano playing, instrument playing: these are all areas where it is good to know who has the ability and interest in doing them. Please speak to the pastor about your willingness to serve in any of these areas. We would love to add more musical instruments to our services.
    Snow removal
  • For many years we have been able to rely on faithful members to take care of timely removal of snow from our church and school parking lots. We rely on volunteers to use shovels and/or snow blowers to clear the sidewalks at both the church and school. We would also appreciate knowing if there are members who have the means to plow our parking lots in case of emergency.
  • Because involvement of the men of the congregation is so important, we use our usher program to teach male leadership, responsibility, and service.  Teams of ushers assist in various ways at each of our worship services.  The Board of Elders invites communicant male members of the congregation to serve on usher teams of 3 or 4 men.

    The role of the usher in the service is to provide direction to our members and to visitors throughout the service, to collect and take the offering to the altar on behalf of those assembled, and to support the pastor in ensuring the service is conducted in a God-pleasing manner.

    Each December a schedule is drawn up for the following year of worship services.  Please speak with Pastor to let him know of your willingness to serve as an usher.  Each month there will appear a reminder of who serves for our services in our church newsletter.
    Vacation Bible School
  • Sessions for Vacation Bible School are held for five days or evenings in the summer, during which children from our congregation and community study God's Word and work on craft projects.  Helpers are needed each year for the craft projects, helping during the Bible lessons, recess and snack time, and more.
    Youth Group
  • We invite interested members to serve our young people by helping with group meetings, travel, activities and more.
    Easy ways to help
  • There are a few programs in which our church and school are involved. These programs help us get supplies needed for our church and school.

    We ask that you consider using the Boxtops for Education app and and scan your receipts from stores for credit for our school. Information can be found at We also ask that you turn in empty ink/printer cartridges. We use the credit from these to purchase office supplies for our school and church. These items may be placed in the box on the shelf in the entryway at church.

    We thank you for your continued support of these programs that greatly help our church and school.